When it comes to searching for the best 8 string guitars, there are a number of important factors to consider. While these instruments are known for their rich sound and wider tonal range, the unique characteristics of each specific guitar drastically affect how the instrument plays.

For this reason, it is vital that you have the best options available to you when beginning your search. This includes 8 string acoustic guitars and 8 string electric guitars.

For your convenience, we have made a list of 5 incredible options that you should definitely consider. More so, we will discuss everything that there is to know about these unique instruments, such as who they are for, how they work, and key characteristics to look out for before making a purchase.

What are 8 String Guitars and How Do They Work?

In short, an 8 string guitar is one that features two additional strings when compared to the standard instrument.

These models are much less common; however, many classical, jazz, and metal artists prefer the sound for their music.

The 8 string offers a much wider tonal range or non-standard tunings. This allows the artist to adjust their guitar according to the song that will be played.

This guitar was designed and made in the 19th century. Since then, they have mostly become popular amongst metal artists. This is due to the fact that the guitar was used by the iconic Swedish band Meshuggah.

If you are in the market for one of these non-standard instruments, you will first need to decide which type of design you like.

These guitars work in the exact same way that regular models do. The only difference is the wider neck, longer scale length, and the 8 strings.

You are much more likely to come across an 8 string electric guitar than an acoustic one. For this reason, most of these instruments include pickups.


In short, pickups are used to capture and sense the vibrations of the guitar strings. It will then convert those vibrations into an electric signal that can be amplified through a loudspeaker.

8 string electric guitars include pickups in their design. This enables the player to connect their guitar directly to an amp.

There are a variety of pickups that could be used on these instruments. For example, the EMG 808 is a very common model that features on a number of popular 8 string electrics.

Pickups are generally found on the body of the guitar. However, they could also be installed into the neck, bridge, or pickguard.

Who/What are 8 String Guitars For?

These instruments are primarily popular amongst jazz, classical, and metal artists.

For this reason, they tend to be designed specifically for these musicians. As you will see, these models usually have a very classical and vintage look to them - this is done in order to match the aesthetic of the music genre.

These instruments are not very common. For this reason, finding an affordable 8 string guitar is often quite the challenge. As a result, many guitarists end up purchasing low-end models that do not do their music any justice.

Unless you are able to invest in a decent and reliable model, it is not recommended that you purchase one of these instruments.

Since the 8 string has a much wider neck and longer scale length, it is also more difficult to play when compared to standard models. In this way, this instrument is not recommended for amateur guitarists.

In fact, these models have 24 jumbo frets, making it much harder to hold notes and move your fingers across the neck of the guitar.

Active vs Passive Pickups for 8 String Guitars

The main difference between active and passive pickups is the power source, with active needing one.

If you are using an amp, active pickups will be the better choice as your sound will have more projection and power.

Additionally, active pickups have more consistency in tone than what passive pickups have.

How to Choose the Perfect 8 String

best 8 string guitars for metal

We already know that there are a number of factors and characteristics to consider when looking for the best guitars with 8 strings.

It is important to remember that every detail makes a huge difference when it comes to the sound, volume, and articulation of the instrument. For this reason, you will need to think about the neck, fretboard, body, and pickup of the guitar.

More so, you should always think about which type of wood the instrument is made out of, as this can drastically affect the tone produced.


Since the guitar features 8 strings, the designers have to increase the neck size in order to make space. The scale length of the neck is also noticeably longer.

There are a variety of different neck sizes and shapes for you to consider. Certain models are made slightly smaller in order to accommodate less experienced guitarists.

There are also bigger models that feature a large neck and very wide scale length. In general, these options are specifically designed for very experienced metal artists.


The fretboard of your 8 stringer also plays a major role in its playability.

As we have discussed, these models tend to feature 24 jumbo frets - this is done to match the wider neck and scale length of the guitar.

While there are more compact versions of this guitar available, it is still not recommended for musicians who have a smaller frame. This is because they are likely to struggle when reaching for notes further along the neck and fretboard.


Like the neck of the guitar, the body comes in a variety of different shapes and sizes.

For starters, you will have to choose between hollow and solid-bodied models. Once you have made this decision, you should start thinking about your music style and which guitar would best suit it.

While most of these instruments have a classic, vintage appearance to them, there are more traditional styles for you to consider.

The shape of the body plays a major role in the sound, volume, and articulation of the guitar. In order to get the most out of your purchase, be sure to select an option that matches your music style and aesthetic.


The type of pickup that your guitar uses is another major factor that you should consider.

Pickups drastically affect the tonal quality and sound of your 8 string electric guitar. They can be located in a number of places, including the body, neck, bridge, and pickguard.

Contrary to popular belief, the location of these pickups makes a significant difference. For example, the player will get a lot more feedback when the pickup is installed into the neck as opposed to the body of the guitar.


Lastly, the material used in the manufacturing of the guitar also plays a major role in terms of the sound quality and volume produced.

A few of the most common tonal woods used include alder, basswood, mahogany, swamp ash, walnut, koa, maple, and rosewood.

You will find that a vast majority of guitars have beautiful body made from mahogany. This is due to the fact that this material is inexpensive and offers a very rich and warm tone.

On the other hand, a basswood body is the perfect compromise for guitarists who enjoy both a warm and bright sound. This wood is also inexpensive and has a great appearance to it.

A maple neck or maple top is also relatively common. This material is identifiable thanks to its bright tone and high density.

Alder, rosewood, and koa are also commonly used for the neck or top. However, unlike a maple neck or maple top, these tonal woods offer a much warmer and richer sound.

While a basswood body has a very neutral tone, rosewood is about as warm as it gets. However, it is important to note that rosewood guitars are generally much more expensive.

Multi-scale Design

When it comes to intonation and playability, multi-scale design may be just what you want. This means that the guitar has more than one scale, which runs a normal 25.5" from the nut to the bridge on your high-E string all the way to 28" on your low 8th string.

The fingerboard on a multi-scale design has fanned frets which keep the intonation in perfect order. Although it takes some time to get used to, it can add some excellent variety in your playing.

Nut Width

If you are used to a 6 string guitar, you will find the nut width to be a big change. Normal 6 strings measure around 1.7 inches across the nut. But, to accommodate the additional 2 strings, an 8 string will have a nut width of around 2.1 inches.

Especially if you are not used to it, this can feel like a stretch, but you will get used to it. Just ensure that the spacing with your strings is right for your abilities.

The Best 8 String Guitars - A Complete Review With Comparisons

As we have already mentioned, there are a number of important factors and characteristics that you will need to consider before picking out the perfect 8 string guitar.

To make matters even more complicated, you have plenty of options to choose from.

For your convenience, we will be listing and discussing 5 of the best 8 string guitars on the market. More so, we will mention a number of advantages and disadvantages in order to make your shopping experience that much easier.

1. The Schecter Omen 8

best 8 string guitar for beginners

If you are a beginner looking for the perfect 8 stringer, you should try the Schecter Omen 8. This model works in unison in order to provide a superior sound and volume.

With top-quality pickups, you are sure to be happy with the sound quality produced. The Omen 8 is also reasonably priced compared to other high-end models.


Made with a basswood body and maple neck, you will notice a bright tone while playing. The instrument features diamond plus pickups and volume/tonal controls. More so, this guitar is far easier to play than regular 8 strings.

This option has a glossy finish, adding to the appearance and aesthetic. The Omen 8 is a great choice for metal players. However, it is important to note that the string gauge is perfect for jazz and many other genres.

The natural finish on the neck also prevents sticky fingers, adding to the playability of the guitar.

On the other hand, this model is not a multi-scale length guitar.

  • Great electric guitar for beginners
  • Features a glossy finish that looks fantastic
  • Prevents sticky fingers
  • Perfect for metal, jazz and other music genres (versatile)
  • Not a multi-scale length guitar

best 8 string guitar

If you value sound quality above all else, the Schecter C-8 is an obvious choice. This model is often compared to the Jackson x series models.

Made with top-quality carbon fiber, you will not be disappointed in the feel and tone. The diamond plus pickups also make amplification easier than ever.


Every part included in the manufacturing of this guitar has a purpose. The body of the instrument is made from a top-quality basswood, offering a versatile and neutral tone.

The instrument also features diamond plus pickups and volume/tone controls. This model is well-known for its superb sound, volume, and articulation.

The 28-inch neck of this guitar is slightly longer than the standard 26 5-inch. This makes the guitar somewhat more challenging to play when compared to regular models. However, it is important to note that the neck of this option is thinner than usual.

Various guitarists have stated that this 8 string electric guitar does not stay in tune for very long.

  • Excellent tonality
  • Thin neck for easy playing
  • Made with top-quality materials
  • Great pickups are sensitive for great sound
  • It does not stay in tune for very long
  • Longer neck

affordable 8 string guitar

The Ibanez RG8 is another great 8 string electric guitar for those on a strict budget. While most options below the price of $500 are low-end models, this Ibanez show-stopper is an exception.

This guitar features a standard 26.5-inch neck. It also features great quality pickups for optimal amplification and volume control.


Ibanez is one of the best 8 string guitar brands out there. For this reason, you will not be disappointed with the quality of sound produced by this model.

The 8 string guitar has built-in pickups that provide great amplification and articulation. More so, these pickups do not receive too much interference.

With a mahogany body and neck, you will notice a warmer sound when playing. Ibanez guitars are also designed for optimal playability, making this option great for beginning guitarists.

With a 26.5 inch neck, you will not struggle too much when forming chords on the lower end of the fretboard with this Ibanez.

  • Durable construction with built-in pickups
  • Made with top-quality materials
  • Warm sound thanks to mahogany body and neck
  • 26.5 inch scale on the wizard neck
  • Some users complain about a buzz when a fret wrap is not used

top quality 8 string guitar

The Ibanez 8 string RGMS8 is a top model multi-scale electric guitar that offers plenty of comfort and resilience. As we have already mentioned, Ibanez is a very reliable brand that many guitarists trust.

If you are searching for a top-quality 8 stringer, this Ibanez model should definitely be up there on your list of considerations.


This Ibanez 8 string show-stopper is lightweight (unlike most multi-scale models), making it perfect for hours of playing. The guitar features a mahogany body, offering a very warm and rich sound.

More so, the 8 string has two humbucking pickups installed, as well as volume and tone controls. This makes it very easy to play around with the articulation and amplification of the guitar.

The Ibanez guitar is designed for great playability. In other words, even less experienced guitarists should be able to make good music on this instrument.

This model should work very well with a foot pedal, whether digital or analog. However, it is essential to note that the bridge of the guitar is not grounded.

This guitar is very comfortable to hold. It also has a great look to it, adding to the aesthetic of the musician. You can choose between various colors, including black, white, red, and bright blue.

Unlike many 8 string guitars, this model suits a variety of different music styles, including metal, rock, jazz, and classical.

  • Multiscale 8 string guitar
  • Provides a warm and rich tone
  • Easy to control the volume
  • Comfortable to hold and lightweight
  • The bridge is not grounded

versatile 8 string guitar

ESP guitars are slightly less common and popular than Ibanez. However, they still make some of the best 8 string guitars on the market.

This particular 8 string is very versatile and budget-friendly. With that being said, the model is mostly used by metal artists.


ESP guitars are made from top-quality materials and are designed for optimal comfort. This 8 string features a mahogany neck, allowing for a very warm and rich tone.

With a neck scale of 27 inches, this model is relatively to play. More so, the guitar is much easier to tune when compared to other models.

This guitar is lightweight and easy to carry, making it perfect for long hours of playing. On top of this, you will receive a case when you purchase the product.

  • Case included in package
  • Lightweight and easy to transport
  • Made with top-quality materials
  • Easy to tune
  • No dot inlays - tricky for beginners

Common Questions & Answers

1. What is the Best 8 String Guitar?

It is very difficult to say that one specific model is the best 8 string guitar in the world. Opinions on this matter vary depending on the style of music taste of the artist.

With that being said, a few of the best 8 string guitars on the market at the moment include the Schecter c8, the Schecter Omen 8, and the Ibanez RG8. The x series models from Jackson are also fantastic 8 stringers.

A few of the best 8 string guitars for metal include the Jackson X Series Soloist Arch Top SLAT8 Multi-Scale and the Ibanez Prestige RG5328 – Lightning Through A Dark.

Arguably the best budget 8 string guitar is the Washburn PXM18EB Parallaxe.

2. Is an 8 String Guitar Worth It?

There are a number of factors that will determine whether or not your 8 string guitar is worth the money.

For starters, you should consider how much use you will get out of the purchase. If you are an experienced guitarist who has played one of these instruments before, you are likely to use the 8 stringer more than someone who is an amateur.

More so, since these instruments are much more expensive than regular models, you should decide whether or not you have the money available to invest in a decent guitar. In fact, some of the best 8 string guitars can cost upwards of $500.

Purchasing a cheap 8 stringer that is not up to your standard will be a waste of money.

3. Are 8 String Guitars Hard To Play?

It is important to note that 8 string guitars are much harder to play than the standard 6 stringers. This is primarily because the neck of the guitar is much wider and longer, making it harder to form chords and hold.

For this reason, these instruments are better suited for experienced guitarists with a bigger frame.

4. Should I Buy a 7 Or 8 String Guitar?

As the name suggests, a 7 string guitar is one that features 7 strings instead of the standard 6.

There are a number of significant differences between the 7 and 8 stringers to take note of. For starters, the 8 string guitar has an extra f# note.

For this reason, if you want extra wriggle room when it comes to playing around with the different notes and sounds, an 8 stringer will be your best bet.

On the other hand, if you want to add some versatility to your songs without changing the sound up too much, then go for a 7 string.

5. How to Tune and Play an 8 String Guitar

Many guitarists worry about the playability of 8 string guitars. While they are harder to play, most experienced musicians should feel comfortable when holding and experimenting with this model.

8 stringer guitarists will tell you that the technique used to play this instrument is identical to that used for 6 stringers.

However, if you need a little extra help, you can browse for different videos that will offer advice on how to play these models properly. Here's a great example:


These are some of the best 8 string guitars out there for you to choose from. Furthermore, there are a number of factors and characteristics to consider before investing in one of these instruments. For example, you will need to decide what neck, body, and fretboard style you would like.

8 string guitars are best suited for metal, classical, or jazz artists. It is important to note that these models are harder to play because of the additional strings.