Whether you’re planning to expand your arsenal of musical instruments or try something new, you should consider flugelhorns. While it looks identical to a trumpet, this instrument produces a softer and more mellow tone. Due to this, it’s often used in solo, popular music.
Given its similarity to other brass musical instruments, purchasing a flugelhorn can be very tricky. To help you out, we’ve reviewed the best flugelhorns available. We’ve also provided an in-depth guide to make your selection easy. Read on to learn more.
What are Flugelhorns?
If you’re new to musical instruments, there are several questions that could be lingering in your mind. You’re probably wondering, “what is a flugelhorn?”
Well to answer your question, a flugelhorn is an example of a brass instrument. It bears a striking resemblance to the cornet and trumpet.
With regards to origin, the instrument gets its name from the German word ‘Flügel’ meaning wing. Back in the 18th century, there was a ducal hunting leader who was referred to as the Flügelmeister. He’s credited with blowing the flugelhorn- an action that was aimed at directing the wings of the hunt.
Learning how to play the flugelhorn is like learning how to play any other brass instrument. This means that it relies on two principles: lip movement and fingering technique.
Essentially, music is produced when you buzz your lips against the flugelhorn’s mouthpiece while simultaneously navigating the position of your fingers.
Benefits of Playing the Flugelhorn

Learning to play this instrument confers several benefits such as:
Teaches You How to Control Your Breathing
Playing string or percussion instruments affects your breathing either through relaxation or physical exertion.
But playing a brass instrument like the flugelhorn depends directly on how well you’re able to control your breathing.
You’ll have to learn the correct technique and timing for blowing air into the mouthpiece so as to produce the desired sound. As such, practicing to play flugelhorns then improves your breathing over time.
Enhances Your Memory
Another benefit that often goes unnoticed is the improvement of one’s memory. Think about the following aspects that require a sharp memory:
Reinforces Your Core Muscles and Improves Posture
When you’re playing the flugelhorn, one thing you can’t run away from is having to constantly inhale and exhale. While it may seem tiring, this action gives your lungs and diaphragm a much-needed workout.
This also forces you to engage your core and abdominal muscles way more than you would if you were simply sitting on a couch and watching TV.
Another benefit that you’ll get from playing your flugelhorn is improved posture. Having to inhale and exhale consistently while supporting the weight of a 2 to 10-pound instrument is no mean feat. It forces you to stand upright and maintain this posture for a while.
If you tried to play this instrument while slouching, not only would you be very uncomfortable but you’d also experience difficulty breathing.
Enhance Your Hand-eye Coordination
Your posture isn’t the only thing that improves when you play the flugelhorn frequently. Your hand-eye coordination does too.
Here’s the deal, playing wind instruments doesn’t only require a ton of air. It calls for a lot of finger dexterity, not to mention, coordination with one’s eyes, tongue, and breath.
Playing the flugelhorn naturally forces you to concentrate on your muscle movement so that you’re able to make slow repetitive patterns for optimal sound production. These actions go a long way in developing your fine motor skills.
Flugelhorn vs Trumpet
On the surface, it may seem like the flugelhorn and trumpet are identical instruments. But a closer look at them reveals a couple of differences. The most notable difference between them entails the shape of their bores.
The trumpet is characterized by a cylindrical bore that remains consistent throughout the diameter of the tubing. Conversely, a flugelhorn is distinguished by its conical bore. This means that the diameter of the bore gradually increases as it moves towards the bell.
The different bore shapes have a direct impact on the type of sound that each instrument produces. In the case of a flugelhorn, expect to get a mellower, rounder sound whereas trumpets produce brighter, fuller tones.
You can also differentiate a flugelhorn from a trumpet by the shape of their mouthpieces. A trumpet tends to have a C or cup-shaped mouthpiece. This structure enables the mouthpiece to swirl air right before it enters the trumpet. The result is a more balanced tone.
On the other hand, the mouthpiece of a flugelhorn takes a V-shape. This shape helps to streamline air before it’s allowed into the instrument.
Flugelhorn vs Mellophone
The flugelhorn and mellophone are a lot more similar than they are different. They’re both three-valved wind instruments that are often used in bands.
However, the flugelhorn is often used in the British-style brass band whereas the mellophone is primarily used in marching bands.
Other than application, another feature that helps to differentiate mellophone vs flugelhorn is tuning. The flugelhorn is typically pitched in Bb, and sometimes in C. Conversely, the flugelhorn is pitched in Eb or F.
Flugelhorn vs Cornet
Like the mellophone, there aren’t a ton of differences between the flugelhorn and cornet. If anything, they share a lot of similarities. One such similarity is the way these instruments are pitched, that is, in the B-flat key.
But if you’re looking for a way to differentiate cornet vs flugelhorn, then pay attention to the shape of their bores. A flugelhorn is characterized by a wider and more conical-shaped bore. In contrast, the cornet has a narrower and less conical-shaped bore.
How to Choose the Right Flugelhorn

Skill Level
Before you spend your hard-earned money purchasing a new flugelhorn, think about your skill level.
This is because flugelhorns are also designed for different skill levels. For instance, a beginner instrument makes it easier for a newbie layer to move air via the mouthpiece. Such a flugelhorn is also quite forgiving when it comes to sound production.
On the other hand, flugelhorns tailored for professional players tend to have advanced features that only they can understand. Such instruments offer greater control over the flugelhorn’s sound and movements.
Materials and Finish
Most people assume that the materials and finish of a given flugelhorn only affect its aesthetics. But this is a far cry from the truth.
These two factors have a massive impact on the quality of sound that a flugelhorn produces. To be more specific, a silver brass finish translates to a bright sound.
Conversely, a gold or yellow brass finish translates to a much darker sound. A yellow brass body also looks better, although this is subjective. This explains why the majority of manufacturers go for a yellow brass finish.
Another thing you’ll want to pay attention to is the configuration of your flugelhorn. Most flugelhorns come with three valves. However, it's not unusual to find a 4 valve flugelhorn as well.
This extra valve is incorporated for the purpose of lowering the pitch to a perfect fourth. In turn, this feature boosts the instrument’s low range that, combined with its dark sound, extends its capabilities.
That said, this extra valve not only adds to the flugelhorn’s abilities but also its weight. So if you’re planning to carry your instrument for long distances, you may want to skip this factor.
Size and Weight
For the most part, there aren’t significant variations in flugelhorns’ weight and sizes. However, that small difference can have a massive impact on your style of playing.
Lightweight flugelhorns are incredibly easy to hold. This makes them ideal for those times when you're traveling or playing for prolonged periods.
If you intend to travel with your instrument for a long distance, consider choosing the best plastic flugelhorn as it's usually the lightest.
Another benefit of light flugelhorns is the fact that they have smaller sound boxes. This allows them to produce a sound that’s very distinct from that of trumpets.
Don’t get us wrong. There’s no fault in buying a heavier or bigger flugelhorn. As long as it feels balanced in your hands, and its size doesn’t compromise your playing technique, then go for it.
Buying any musical instrument online can be a little tricky, mainly because you can’t take it for a test run. To navigate around this, be sure to read reviews from other buyers and find out how the flugelhorn sounds.
The last thing you want is to buy a flugelhorn that ends up producing tones that sound like an entirely different instrument, such as a cornet or mellophone.
To avoid this, you can visit your nearest music supplies shop and sample a few flugelhorns. Once you’ve determined what you want, you can then buy it online.
When sampling, keep in mind that flugelhorns have a high predisposition for deeper, darker tones. This can, in turn, make it hard to control notes created in the highest register of the flugelhorn.
Bore Size
Compared to other brass musical instruments, the bore sizes of different flugelhorns differ considerably. So you may have two flugelhorns that look identical but sound very different.
The easiest way to determine which flugelhorn meets your needs is to check the bore size. Flugelhorns with larger bores sound vaguely similar to trumpets. They’re best suited for beginners because their bore size makes it easy to move air through the horn.
Conversely, flugelhorns with smaller bores tend to have a more distinctive sound. However, you’ll encounter a lot more air resistance when playing such an instrument.
To err on the side of caution, pick a flugelhorn with a medium-sized bore. This way, air will move through the horn with greater ease. And, you won’t have to compromise on sound quality.
Did you know that there are different types of flugelhorn mouthpieces? These are usually distinguished by their tapers.
The taper - also known as the shank - is the narrow section of the tubing which is inserted into the instrument’s receiver.
You’ll want to ensure that the mouthpiece is designed specifically for the model of instrument you have on hand. If you end up with the wrong one, this will impact your capacity to intonate and pass air through the horn.
Top Brands
Lastly, you’ll want to purchase from the best flugelhorn brands.
When you buy your flugelhorn from a reputable brand, you’re guaranteed quality craftsmanship. This then means that your instrument will serve you for many years to come.
And even if one of the flugelhorn’s parts gets damaged or stops working, you’re certain of getting replacement parts. On that note, here are some of the best flugelhorn brands that you can count on:
Reviews of the 5 Best Rated Flugelhorns
1. Jean Paul FH-430 Flugelhorn
Have you been searching for the best flugelhorn that won’t break your bank? If you have, the Jean-Paul Flugelhorn is the ultimate choice.
It comes at a mid-range price so it’s not too expensive that most musicians can’t afford. Interestingly, its affordability doesn’t come at the expense of its craftsmanship. On the contrary, it boasts a superior build quality that contributes to its durability.
Right off the bat, another feature you’ll notice is the magnificent yellow brass finish. As mentioned earlier, this type of finish causes the flugelhorn to produce a darker music tone.
We also like that the Jean-Paul FH-430 brass flugel horn comes with everything you’ll need to play it.
Included in the package are gloves and a cleaning cloth, so you can keep your instrument in pristine condition. A premium-quality carrying case has also been provided, making its portability very easy.
Don’t mind spending a chunk of money on a brand new, high-end flugelhorn? Then check out the Yamaha YFH-631G Series Bb flugelhorn.
This instrument delivers a rich and dark tone, making it particularly suited for jazz music. This premium quality of sound is not too surprising considering that it has a gold brass finish. When it comes to specifications, it has a .433-inch bore size and a 6-inch bell.
There are a few other things you’re sure to love about the Yamaha YFH Series Bb flugelhorn. For instance, it touts vertical valve tubing alongside Monel pistons.
According to Yamaha, these specific pistons are designed to offer resistance to corrosion. Better yet, they’re able to maintain an accurate fit and facilitate a smooth play over a long time.
The Yamaha YFH - 631G Bb flugelhorn also comes equipped with hand-lapped pistons and slides. The purpose of these is to retain a snug fit and seal among the pistons. This build then facilitates a smooth airflow, which translates to an improved resonance and intonation.
Yet another feature that enhances the airflow in this Series Bb flugelhorn is the well-rounded, pressure-formed tubing. In addition to improving airflow, the tubing also minimizes turbulence.
Better yet, the Series bb flugelhorn sports a third valve slide trigger. This makes your work easy when adjusting its tone. To top it all off, the mouthpiece on this flugelhorn is completely movable- a feature that makes it very easy to tune.
Given all these features, it is no wonder the YFH-631G is considered the best professional flugelhorn.
Some flugelhorns can turn out to be too heavy; hence, too cumbersome to use during long gig sessions. If you’re looking for one that is light and compact, then Levante LV-FH6205 is just what you need.
This flugelhorn constitutes a tiny .433-inch bore size along with a 6-inch bell. These features are identical to what the Yamaha model offers, but at a much cheaper price. Where the LV-FH6205 proves superior is in its smaller and lighter structure that makes it easier to wield and play for extended periods.
Also crucial to note is that this Bb flugelhorn is made from a combination of nickel silver and gold brass. A blend of these two materials causes this instrument to produce a sound that’s very similar to that of a trumpet.
So if you’re switching from playing trumpets to flugelhorns, this Levante unit makes the transition a lot easier. However, note that this construction also causes a loss of depth, which makes it ill-fitted for certain music genres like jazz.
On a more positive note, the Bb flugelhorn comes equipped with Monel pistons. These facilitate an easy adjustment of the horn’s tone. Moreover, the valve buttons feature a mother-of-pearl finish, providing an ultra-smooth touch.
In addition to the instrument, the manufacturer has also provided a mouthpiece and soft case to ease transportation. Better yet, this flugelhorn is backed by a one-year warranty
If you’re an intermediate flugelhorn player, one of the best investments you can make is purchasing the new Jupiter JFH1100RS unit.
This is a close sibling of the Jupiter JFH1100R with the only difference between them being the type of finish.
The flugelhorn we’re reviewing here has a beautiful silver-plated rose brass finish that facilitates the production of a brighter sound. The JFH1100R has a gold brass finish resulting in a darker tone.
Apart from color, another thing you may have noticed about this flugelhorn is that it doesn’t come cheap. This probably makes you wonder whether it offers the best bang for your buck.
Thankfully, the JFH1100RS boasts several high-end features making it the best flugelhorn for the money. For one, it provides a unique sonic presence that you won’t find in other flugelhorns. Its tonal warmth is also exceptional and will certainly make you stand out when playing in a band.
Moreover, you’ll never have to be concerned with tuning this brass flugelhorn perfectly as it’s fitted with French tuning slides. These slides make quick work of the adjustment process, helping you achieve the desired intonation.
Have you been searching for the best flugelhorn for a student? If you have, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a model better than the RS Berkeley Signature Series FLU668 Flugelhorn.
It comes at a pocket-friendly price and has features tailored for beginners. For instance, it contains a .433-inch bore that provides outstanding projection without requiring a ton of effort on your part.
And like the unit from Yamaha brass band, this one also boasts Monel valves and hand-lapped pistons. As such, you can expect the same snug fitting and seal that facilitates a smooth airflow.
This flugelhorn also includes a flexible mouthpiece receiver. This makes it incredibly easy to tune your instrument, which is crucial for players who don’t have a lot of know-how on this front.
There’s also a third valve slide trigger, which makes for easy adjustment of the instrument’s intonation.
As if that’s not enough, this flugelhorn includes multiple accessories that range from a cleaning cloth to a zipper case and valve oil.
Is flugelhorn easier than trumpet?
No, it’s not any easier. In fact, getting the hang of a professional flugelhorn can be challenging. This is because it produces a mellower sound. Due to this, it doesn’t project as much as a trumpet. So if you’re playing in a big ensemble like an orchestra or band, its sound may go unnoticed.
Can you use a trumpet mouthpiece on a flugelhorn?
No, you cannot. One of the key differences between a trumpet and a flugelhorn is the structure of their mouthpieces. While the flugelhorn has a V-shaped mouthpiece, that of the trumpet takes a C-shape. Due to these differences, the two mouthpieces cannot be used interchangeably.
How do you play flugelhorn?
Playing flugelhorn follows a fairly similar approach to other brass instruments. This entails blowing air into the instrument while simultaneously pressing the valves so as to produce sound.
What kind of flugelhorn does Chuck Mangione play?
Chuck Mangione is one of the most renowned brass flugelhorn players. He’s played different instruments over the years, including a Yamaha flugelhorn that contained a Giardinelli cornet mouthpiece. Nowadays, however, he prefers Calicchio flugelhorns.
What does a flugelhorn look like?
Flugelhorns look fairly similar to other brass instruments like trumpets and cornets. What makes them unique is their short, wide mouthpiece, a flared bell, and the presence of either three or four valves.
If you’ve been looking for the best flugelhorns, we recommend the Jean Paul FH-430 Flugelhorn. Manufactured by one of the most renowned brands, this is an instrument you can rely on.
It comprises a lovely yellow brass body build that facilitates the production of a mellow, but slightly dark sound. It’s made from high-quality materials, providing exceptional durability.
Better yet, this brass flugelhorn comes with its own carrying case so portability won’t be an issue.